Manchaha Rozgar Pack

Manchaha Rozgar Kit. This Mind Programming Pack will help you attract a desired Job easily & effortlessly

Original price was: ₹5,999.00.Current price is: ₹4,999.00.


Are You Struggling to get a Job in your Life ?
Do you want to attract  a Desirable & Satisfactory Job ?
Do you want to switch your Job to a more Satisfactory Job ?

If answer to any of these questions is “Yes” , then This Mind Programming Programme can help you get a desired job in your Life.

Here’s What You Get In Manchaha Rozgar Pack :

1. Session01: Manchaha Rozgar

This session will eliminate all the blockages for attracting a desirable job and will Program your mind for attracting desirable Job opportunities in your Life easily & efoortlessly.

2. Session02: Tarangein

This Session will make your mindset Positive and motivate you to stay positive in all situations and circumstances during attracting a desirable Job.

3. Session03: Subliminal Aura Clearing

You can Now Allow Life Energy to Flow Freely Through You! As you Listen to this Subliminal Program, You will Naturally Release Blockages, Release any kind of Negative Energies,Effects of black Magic etc.This Subliminal will help you to Expand your energy Field,and gain a sense of bliss and mental expansion…


Spiritual Healings

The moment you buy this Pack and Get Registered with us,you l become automatically entitled to the following Healings :

1.”42 – Distant Sessions” (Chi-Ball Method) of Usui Reiki,Karuna Reiki & Angelic Healing

These Spiritual Healing Sessions raise the vibratory level of your energy field in and around the physical body where negative thoughts and feelings are attached, thus clearing and healing the energy path ways, allowing the life force to flow in a healthy and natural way and prepare the Subconscious Mind for reprogramming of New Positive Beliefs.

2.”21 Remote Soul Healing Sessions”

“Heal the Soul First, then healing of the mind and body will follow” – Dr. Zhi Gang Sha,MD.

Soul can Heal, Boost Energy, Stamina, Vitality & Immunity, Prolong Life and Transform every aspect of Life including Finances and Relationships; as well as reach Enlightenment.

3.”21 Non Local Sessions of Theta-DNA Healing”

Theta Healing is an extra ordinary new technique that allows for immediate physical and emotional transformations & healings.
DNA Activation raises your vibrational frequency & cellular vibrations.It increase inner peace and calmness by shifting out of fear and doubt.


The big difference wanted to ensure of with this program is that the changes will last,and the ultimate result with this system is that you won’t even need it forever.

If You were to CHANGE YOUR LIFE forever,You might notice that when You make this purchase,how easily those changes can occur !